HELLO PEOPLE ! Im Velintina Rameh ak Meling. The Best Thing In My Life Begins Here ;)
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2012


be yourself , don't underestimate yourself :)

Sometimes , you can never have what you want
or even BE what you wanna be .
But , never let that be a part of your life .
sometimes , fail in life just help you 
to be a better person . to learn from mistakes.

what is done , shouldn't be repeat .
what is made shouldn't be change .
what is given should be accepted .
what is done , is done .

you have to learn to appreciate yourself more
and to accept the reality .
do not waste your time on thinking of
what will happen next .
but what is happening now ?
what about now ?

never judge yourself , cause you may be lying
to yourself all these while or vice versa .
look at the mirror and reflect back .
think twice and never give up .

lots of love ,
velen :)

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