HELLO PEOPLE ! Im Velintina Rameh ak Meling. The Best Thing In My Life Begins Here ;)
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm trying AGAIN :)

Forgiving someone means that we find the strength to go beyond 
ourselves to a place that helps us see those who have hurt 
us in a new way. That's never easy right ? 

i just CAN'T FORGIVE ! 
i'm TRYING here :/
today , i just went for confession . 
sadly , few minutes before confession started , 
we had our own truth talk -.-'
we're so BAD :/
i just don't know what to do sometimes .
i'm not even sure if i can face this person ever in my life . 
its nothing so serious actually , but , emm
like what others always say ,

I prayed and prayed .
and now i'm ready to face it .
god will give me strength along the way . 
i'll have to brave myself to face those people in my life . 
no one can live peacefully in their life with a heart 
full of hatred . right ? 
i know so . 
well , i'm kinda been there done that :D

so yeahh , good luck for me ;) 

Lotssssaaa love ,
velen :)

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